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Welcome to Aldridge Crime Watch
Aldridge, Walsall, WS9, West Midlands UK.

Aldridge website Crime watch page Aldridge website Crime watch page
Produced by: Kevin Pitt
Community Partnerships Officer
Walsall Police Station
01922 439103

Local Aldridge information

  • South Aldridge neighbourhood Watch

  • North Aldridge neighbourhood Watch

  • Aldridge crime watch archives Page

  • My Neighbourhood Police website

  • Victim Support & Witness Service

  • To Reduce crime and disorder and make Aldridge area safer.

    " The police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence. " Sir Robert Peel

    Glossary of Police Terms.
    "A short guide to some of the terms and Abbreviations used in crime reports."

    BDW Burglary Dwelling (house)
    BOB Burglary Other Building (anything not used as a dwelling)
    IP Injured Party (i.e. victim)
    MO Modus Operandii (how the crime was committed)
    M/V Motor Vehicle
    OIC Officer In Charge (of the case)
    TFMV Theft From Motor Vehicle
    TOMV Theft Of Motor Vehicle
    U/K Unknown
    VRM Vehicle Registration Mark (number plate)
    W/O Without (e.g. without owner’s consent)

    The Phonetic Alphabet

    A = alpha B = bravo C = Charlie
    D = delta E = echo F = foxtrot
    G = golf H = hotel I = India
    J = Juliet K = kilo L = lima
    M = mike N = November O = oscar
    P = papa Q = quebec R = romeo
    S = sierra T = tango U = uniform
    V = victor W = whiskey X = x-ray
    Y = yankee Z = zulu

    Identity Codes (used to describe a person’s ethnicity).

    IC1 White Caucasian
    IC2 Dark European (Mediterranean)
    IC3 Negroid
    IC4 Indian/Pakistani
    IC5 Chinese/Japanese
    IC6 Arabian/Egyptian
    IC7 Alien !

    Friday 3 October 2008

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE on SUN 28-SEP-08 10:00 to THU 02-OCT-08 10:04 at BARR COMMON ROAD. U/K Offenders Approached Secure M/V Green Fiat Cinquento Van Left On Roadside Awaiting Recovery By Insurance Following Road Collision. Owner Informed By Insurance Company that On Attending Location To Collect Vehicle, the Vehicle Was Missing Believed Stolen

    House Alarms and Noise Pollution:
    Walsall Council Environmental Health Dept are now enforcing noise pollution laws as they apply to intruder alarms. This means that if your alarm is sounding for an excessive amount of time (they should ring for no more than 20 minutes) and someone complains, environmental health officers may take action including the issuing of fines and even entering your house or removing the alarm box to silence the unit. If an engineer is called to disable the alarm you will be billed for the work! To avoid being landed with a big bill there are two things you can do:

  • 1/ ensure that your alarm is regularly serviced.
  • 2/ supply Walsall Environmental Health Dept with keyholder details. A form can be obtained by phoning 01922 652227.
    Please note that the police are not able to recommend alarm installation or maintenance companies. However you can find a company approved by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) by visiting or phoning 0845 006 3003 or 01628 637512.

    Not In My Neighbourhood Week from 13 – 17 October 2008:
    As part of Not In My Neighbourhood Week 2008 Walsall Community Safety Team will be making an appearance in Walsall’s Saddlers Centre on Monday 13th and Friday 17th October 2008 when they will be giving out advice and useful items including Sorry No Trick or Treat cards (these will be made available to neighbourhood watch co-ordinators shortly). Come and see us if you’re in town on those days. For more about Not In My Neighbourhood Week visit the Home Office website

    Friday 26 September 2008

    BURGLARY of DWELLING THU 18-SEP-08 03:10 to 03:13 LONGWOOD ROAD Offenders Have Approached Secure Detached Dwelling, They Then Threw A House Brick Through Front Window And Reached In. Obtained Car Keys Wallet And House Key They Then Used Car Keys To Drive Away In Honda Civic Towards Barr Beacon

    THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE SUN 21-SEP-08 01:00 to 07:30 LONGWOOD ROAD, Offender Forced Drivers Door Of Audi Whilst Vehicle Parked And Unattended On Driveway Overnight, Property Stolen From Within.

    International Older People’s Day:
    To celebrate age, Walsall Council, Walsall NHS and Walsall Over 50’s Forum will be running an event in Walsall Civic Square (The Bridge) on Wednesday 1 October between 10am and 3pm. The vent will include a musical presentation with Victorian and 40’s themes; a ‘demonstration of the future’, how technology can keep you independent; information on Health and Social Care available in Walsall and lots of giveaways. Please pop along if you’re free.

    Your Health First Event:
    Also being organised by the Council, NHS and Over 50’s Forum are a couple of events focusing on older peoples’ health. Lots of information will be available on the days and having attended several in the past I can vouch they’re well worth going to. Venues are: Tuesday 28th October at Pelsall Community Centre, Station Road, Pelsall, WS3 4BQ and Friday 5th December, Aldridge Community Centre, Middlemore Lane, Aldridge, WS9 8AN. Both events run between 10am and 3pm. For more details contact Paramjit Kaur on 01922 650466.

    Black History Month 2008:
    There is a great show at The Crossing (St Paul’s Church) called 'Sweet Tooth' on Friday 3 October 2008. Tickets are only £2. Also an anti slavery exhibition in the Coffee Shop throughout the month of October. For more details contact Deb Slade on 01922 653114

    Free Electric Blanket Testing:
    Every year Walsall Trading Standards organise events where your electric blanket can be put through safety checks. This year’s events will be taking place during October as follows: 13/10 Monday: Aldridge Community Centre, Middlemore Lane, Aldridge, WS9 8AN. 14/10 Tuesday: Walsall Town Hall, Lichfield Street. (As part of Age Concern Event) 15/10 Wednesday: St Peter’s Church Hall, Harrison Street, Bloxwich, WS3 3HH. 16/10 Thursday: Age Concern Restaurant, Lower Hall Lane, Walsall, WS1 1RH 17/10 Friday AM: Willenhall Youth and Sports Foundation, Gomer Street, Willenhall, WV13 2NS. 17/10 Friday PM: Darlaston Library, Kings Street, Darlaston, WS10 8DD. 18/10 Saturday AM: Brownhills Memorial Hall, Lichfield Road, Brownhills, WS8 6HR. If your blanket fails the tests you may get a voucher for money off a new one.

    Friday 5 September 2008

    Alarming development in the methods employed by doorstep sellers in the Aldridge area. It appears that there is a firm calling door to door questioning householders about their central heating, insulation, etc. They then tell the occupant that if their home is not energy efficient they may be fined by the council. THIS IS NOT TRUE. It turns out that the caller is in fact selling double glazing. The caller has been described as an asian male, aged mid 20's, about 5' 8" tall, with an abrupt and threatening manner. I am concerned that this company's methods may cause residents, particularly the elderly and vulnerable, to make an unnecessary purchase and would like to ascertain the identity of the caller or his company to pass on to Walsall Trading Standards Department. If you have any knowledge of this caller please let me know.
    Kevin Pitt
    Community Partnerships Officer
    Walsall Police Station
    Tel: 0845 113 5000 extn. 7881 6575

    ROBBERY-PERSONAL PROPERTY WED 03-SEP-08 15:40 to 15:47 BAKERS LANE U/K Offender Has Approached IP In Vehicle Blue Audi S3 Bd57vzx And Said To Ip Give Me The Keys IP Has Then Been Dragged Out Of The Vehicle By Her Hair And Clothing Offender Has Then Made Off In Vehicle. This crime reported on front page of Express and Star.

    Tax Discs: A Change to the Law
    A change in the law comes into effect from 1 September 2008. From this date, there will be an exemption from the offence in Section 33 of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 (VERA) of not displaying a valid tax disc. This will apply for the first five working days at the beginning of the month in which the tax disc commences. It will be legal for motorists to drive or keep their vehicle on a public road without a current tax disc, for the first five working days of any month. This exemption from displaying a tax disc applies only when an application for a new disc has been made before the previous one has expired. Motorists are advised to display the expired tax disc, however, they will be committing an offence if they continue to use or keep the vehicle on a public road without a current valid tax disc after the first five days of the month.

    On 2/9/08 in Brookfield Road Aldridge, a male, described as mixed race (white/black), late teens/early 20's, about 5'10", black curly hair, wearing black short leather jacket, black shirt/trousers, black shoes, carrying only a notebook and pen. Had no id nor would state what company he was from. Asked if he could go into the address to check the gas/electric meter to see if it was on the right tariff... He was not let into the address. Was not in a vehicle was on foot. Please be aware.

    On Tuesday 02/09/08 a man saying he was from the water board entered a house in Wolverhampton Road West, Willenhall, by invitation by the elderly occupant. The offender asked the elderly man to switch the stop tap on under the sink and slowly fill a bowl of water. This gathered the suspicions of the occupant so he asked the offender for ID. He said it was in his van. The elderly occupant told the man to leave the premises, which he did. The offender had two men waiting outside. Poor descriptions of offenders however they were smartly dressed, in white shirts. Offenders made good their escape.

    Any members considering having a house alarm fitted should be directed to contact the National Security Inspectorate who will approve such companies who have met stringent conditions. For more information contact the NSI on 0845 006 3003 or 01628 637512, or visit

    Friday 29 August 2008

    The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) will be in the area in the near future seeking untaxed vehicles. If you are aware of any vehicles displaying a tax disc at least one month out of date (i.e. which expired no later that 31 July 2008), or which is not displaying a tax disc at all, please let me know a.s.a.p. The vehicle must be on the public highway. Kevin Pitt Community Partnerships Officer Walsall Police Station Tel: 0845 113 5000 extn. 7881 6575 Direct line: 01922 439103

    CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO OTHER BUILDING SUN 24-AUG-08 20:45 to TUE 26-AUG-08 08:50 WHETSTONE LANE Unknown Offender/S Approached Building Between Material Times And Smashed Front Toilet Window By Unknown Means And Made Good Their Escape

    I have received this report of a vehicle theft from a company located in Bridgeman Street, Walsall. This is another reminder to ensure vehicles are made secure at all times no matter how short a period, or where they’re parked, it takes an opportunist thief just seconds! ‘One of our customers had his car taken from outside the factory, while he was inside placing an order at about 3.00pm Wednesday afternoon. As he had only called in briefly he had left the car open and keys in the ignition. The car was stolen in a matter of minutes!’

    Protect Yourself against I.D. Theft. All you need is an inkpad, three envelopes, stamps and paper. Adding your thumbprint to your own credit file will help protect your identity and your credit rating. Here’s what you need to do: 1/ Write a notice of correction. This is a legal notice which lenders must act upon when they check your file. This should say: Please add the following Notice of Correction to my credit file. I (your name) of (your address) declare that when my signature is required for any financial product or service I will authenticate it with my thumbprint. Failure by me to comply with this direction should result in the service or product being withheld. Any application without a thumbprint should be considered fraudulent. I will inform you in writing, signed and thumbprinted, of any changes to this Notice of Correction. 2) Sign and thumbprint 3 copies of the Notice of Correction. Sign and thumbprint each letter by placing your thumb on the inkless pad and applying a little gentle pressure, then transfer your thumbprint to the Notice of Correction. The Notice must contain your title, name, surname, date of birth, current address and postcode, and previous addresses. 3) Send copies to the major UK credit reference agencies: 1. Callcredit plc, Consumer Service Team, PO Box 491, Leeds, LSS3 1WZ 2. Equifax Limited, Credit File Advice Centre, PO Box 1140, Bradford, BD1 5US 3. Experian Limited, Consumer Help Service, PO Box 8000, Nottingham, NG80 7WF If a print is submitted and an application granted, you can prove without doubt the print is not yours and you will not be liable. The fraudster’s print can be given to the police. This covers all application methods, including telephone and internet applications. see

    Whether you own your home or rent from a private landlord, Walsall Council may be able to help you make your home more energy efficient and save money on your fuel bills. Under certain circumstances, such as if you are on a low income, if someone who lives at the address is over 70, or if you qualify for a Warm Front grant, you may qualify for FREE or subsidised cavity wall and loft insulation. For more information contact Walsall Council’s Energy Efficiency Team on 01922 652123

    Friday 1 August 2008

    BURGLARY OTHER BUILDING SUN 27-JUL-08 18:30 to MON 28-JUL-08 08:00 BOSTY LANE Between Allotted Dates And Times Stated Unknown Offenders Entered Premises Taking A White Staffordshire Bull Terrier And Making Good Escape

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE TUE 29-JUL-08 23:45 to WED 30-JUL-08 07:00 BOSTY LANE Unknown Offender Has Gained Entry To Secure Rear Garden Over Wall Stole Green Kawasaki Off Road Motor Cycle Believed To Have Taken It Over The Wall Made Good Escape

    For videos giving information about security and police operations visit and type westmidlandspolice (no spaces) into the search box. At the moment there are eight videos posted by the force including some interesting footage from the police helicopter.

    A police community support officer's Cambridgeshire home was mistakenly targeted as a cannabis factory by a force helicopter's infra-red camera. The home of Sawston PCSO Zally Huseyen, 46, was emitting so much heat police thought it could be cultivating industrial quantities of the drug. But officers later found the heat coming from the Lower Cambourne home was because of insufficient insulation. The firm which built the house said it complies with "all relevant standards". The force helicopter had been on an unrelated mission when its camera homed in on Mrs Huseyen's Barrett home, which was built by David Wilson Homes five years ago. 'Highest specification' "After the air operations unit located a heat source at an address, two neighbourhood officers visited the property and found poor loft insulation to be the cause," a police spokeswoman said. David Bell, managing director for David Wilson Homes South Midlands, said: "All David Wilson homes are built to the highest specification and in accordance with all energy efficiency legislation and regulations. "Each home undergoes a thorough independent inspection before being occupied. "Since being contacted by Mrs Zally Huseyen regarding concerns over the energy efficiency of her home at Monksfield we have conducted additional investigations, including checking the insulation of the property, which found that the home complies with all the relevant standards." Fluorescent bulbs are used in cannabis factories to grow the drug, which needs at least eight hours of daylight and temperatures of 15C.

    Friday 25 July 2008

    BURGLARY DWELLING THU 17-JUL-08 13:15 to 15:00 SCHOOLGATE CLOSE Unknown Offenders Have Forced Ground Floor Single Framed Wooden Window To Ground Floor Flat Entered Via Kitchen Green Untidy Search Made Of Entire Address Items Stolen And Exit Via Entry Point Window Forced By Unknown Means Breaking Internal Window Catch

    THEFT OTHER SUN 20-JUL-08 21:00 to MON 21-JUL-08 11:00 MILL ROAD Persons Unknown Have Stolen Lead Pipe From Side Of Ips Bungalow That Was Used To Drain Water From Washing Machine

    Feeling The Difference Survey Please be aware that MEL researchers will be conducting fieldwork for the police Feeling the Difference survey between 21st July -18th August. They will be conducting interviews door to door, asking residents about their perception of the police and reassurance issues. They will be carrying identification and have a letter of authorisation from West Midlands Police.

    There have been a number of fraud and distraction burglary offences occurring in Birmingham as follows: A person purporting to represent the victim’s bank phones the victim on their home telephone number stating there has been unauthorised usage of their bank account. This person then arranges for an employee of the bank to attend the victim's address to obtain the victim's debit cards. This person states that the cards will be cancelled and new one's issued within the next couple of days. The victim hands over both debit card and pin number when the offender attends the address. A number of unauthorised transactions then take place on the victims account. The offenders have prior knowledge of the victim’s account and sort number, address and home telephone number. Sometimes the offender enters the victim’s address to collect the cards and sometimes they wait outside. The offender that attends the victim’s address is usually an Asian female dressed in a suit with a name badge. Banks that so far have been used are Lloyds TSB, Barclays and Islamic Bank of Britain. Please advise your neighbours of this scam, if they are contacted in this way they should contact the police immediately.

    On 22 July, an elderly man living in the Willenhall area was outside his house when he was approached by a white male of scruffy appearance, mid 20's holding a mobile phone. The male stated there was a cat stuck on a fence in a bad way, and asked if there were any animal rescue organisations near. He tried to get elderly man to go with him to look at the cat, was most insistent and agitated. Eventually he gave up when refused. After the man left the elderly resident went to look at the cat, there was an imitation toy cat stuck on fence with red colour around eyes and mouth, did look very convincing at first glance.

    Walsall Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association was set up last year with a membership of nine neighbourhood watch co-ordinators, one for each Local Neighbourhood Partnership. The Association was set up to promote neighbourhood watch across Walsall and has recently had a huge success with the Junior Neighbourhood Watch programme. The Association now needs a logo to help define it’s identity and is seeking assistance from any neighbourhood watch members with artistic and computer talents to help with the design. If you would like to help please give me a call. No Cold Calling Zones
    Walsall Trading Standards Department is currently looking at setting up ‘No Cold Calling Zones’. The zones would be based on areas with historical problems such as distraction burglary and bogus (rogue) builders where street signs and window stickers would be utilised to deter callers from knocking on doors. Although such zones are not legally enforceable, any complaints about unwanted callers would be the subject of a rapid response by police and trading standards officers who, on locating the caller, would question them about their motives. No Cold Calling Zones have both good and bad points, and Walsall Trading Standards welcome the views of neighbourhood watch members. I will be shortly meeting with John Beavon, head of trading standards in Walsall and would welcome a range of views to put to him, so please let me know what you and your neighbours think. More information about NCCZ’s can be found at the following web sites:
    Or type “No Cold Calling Zones” into any search engine.

    Friday 4 July 2008

    BURGLARY DWELLING THU 26-JUN-08 between 12:30 and 13:00 STATION ROAD Offenders Unknown Have Gained Entry Via Unknown Means And Stole A Folder Containing Cash And Made Good Escape

    On Tuesday 1 July between 10am and 11.01am a distraction burglary occurred in the Alumwell area of Walsall which involved two callers posing as gas board officials. The men stated that they had come to check the radiators and after they had left the victim found that a purse containing cash had been stolen. The men are described as: 1/ white male, aged 40 – 45 years, 6’2” tall, red hair, wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt and black body warmer. The second man is described as being a white male, aged 20 – 25 years, 5’10” tall, black hair and with having a tattoo of a spiders web on the right hand side of his neck.

    Please note that distraction burglaries do not just happen to the elderly: the victim in this case is in their early 40’s


    POLICE in Bloxwich and Walsall are backing a scheme to help combat distraction burglaries. The scheme launches on Monday 19 May and will give residents in Bloxwich and Walsall the opportunity to register a unique to them password to help verify an unknown callers identity. Over ten companies have signed up to the scheme, backed by South Staffs Water, Safer Walsall Borough partnership and Walsall council, including local utility companies. The packs will be available from local police stations . To register, people need to get one of the packs, choose a password and then phone the companies listed in the pack to register to the scheme. If your utility company is not listed, then just call customer services and they can advise you if they participate in the scheme. If an employee from one of the listed companies makes a visit to an address registered with the scheme the resident can then ask for their unique password and the unidentified person can only get by calling their HQ. It’s quite simple: no password no entry. The free pack consists of:

    • Literature on bogus or distraction burglaries • Password prompt reminder sticker for the door • List of companies involved in the scheme for you to register your password • Memo minder which fixes to the wall. A relative records a message and when the occupant goes to the door an infrared beam is broken and the recorded message is announced as a reminder. For further information on the pack and how to register contact PC Robbins on 08451135000 ext 7884 6950.

    Friday 20 June 2008

    THEFT OTHER FRI 13-JUN-08 12:20 to 12:40 ALDRIDGE BYPASS Uk Offenders Approached Unattended Handbag Which Had Been Left On A Bench Near The Cashiers And Stole The Same Offenders Made Good Their Escape

    THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE SUN 15-JUN-08 09:00 to 11:00 THE GREEN Unknown Offenders Have Approached A Secure Parked Vehicle Ford Smax Which Is Parked On The Road And Have Smashed The Passenger Side Window With A Rock And Taken Property From Within Offenders Have Then Made Good Their Escape

    BURGLARY DWELLING MON 16-JUN-08 04:15 to 04:20 WHETSTONE LANE U/K Offenders Have Gained Access To Semi Detached Property Via Front Door That Was Left Insecure And Have Moved Items Towards Front Door Intending To Steal Same Offenders Have Been Disturbed And Have Then Made Off As Entry In Silver Grey Ford Mondeo Latest Model Towards Aldridge Centre Not Known If Any Items Stolen At This Time Described Offenders Two Ic1 Makes With Baseball Caps No Further Info

    THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE SUN 15-JUN-08 21:00 to 09:00 MEADOW ROAD Offenders U/K Have Gone To Secure Unattended Ford Mondeo And Stolen Front And Rear Number Plates

    Thanks go to John Viggers (Park Hall), Alan Crunden (Orchard Hills and Walsall NW), Michael Styles (Walsall Borough NWA) and Neeta Vyas (Highgate) for helping out at a small event held in Walsall town centre as part of neighbourhood watch week.

    An e-mail doing the rounds is warning of a ‘Big Virus Coming’ by way of an e-mail titled ‘Postcard’. Please note that although this is a real warning, it isn’t a ‘big virus coming’ (it has been around for some time) and it won’t burn the whole of your computer’s hard drive. Machines protected with up to date versions of Windows and anti-virus software should be immune. For more details visit

    Offenders posing as water board officials carried out a distraction burglary in the Bentley area of Walsall on Wednesday 18 June. They are described as: 2 white males around 5ft 5ins tall in their 20s, quite smartly dressed.

    The police in Walsall regularly conduct operations to combat crime which impact in the heart of the community. As a result of this a 40 year old local man appeared at Walsall Magistrates Court on 18th June charged with offences of blackmail and money laundering. These charges have been brought after an extensive joint investigation between Walsall Police and Walsall Trading Standards Illegal Lending Team. This man has since been remanded in custody and will be appearing at Wolverhampton Crown Court for trial later this year.

    On the morning of 13 June police executed a warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act at an address in the Caldmore area of Walsall. Around 1000 cannabis plants were discovered at an address on Hart Street when officers from the Caldmore and Palfrey neighbourhood police team executed the warrant shortly after 8am. Two men, aged 49 and 43, were arrested at the premises on suspicion of cultivating cannabis. They are currently helping police with their enquiries.

    Friday 6 June 2008

    CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO VEHICLE FRI 30-MAY-08 21:30 to SAT 31-MAY-08 09:00 WHETSTONE LANE Unknown Offenders Threw 2 Plant Pots Not Owned By Ip Through Ips Vehicle Windows Which Was Parked And Unattended On Driveway A Nissan Micra Smashing O/S Front And Rear Windows And Scratches To Same Door Panels Offenders Made Good Their Escape

    BURGLARY DWELLING SUN 01-JUN-08 10:30 to 12:30 DUMBLEDERRY LANE Unknown Offender Entered Property Through Open Rear Window Entering Property And Taking A Wii Console In The Front Of The Property And Made Good Escape Through Rear Patio Doors And Made Good In An Unknown Red Car

    THEFT OTHER FRI 30-MAY-08 17:00 to SAT 31-MAY-08 16:00 OLD RECTORY GARDENS Offenders Unknown Approach Front Garden And Stole A White Stone Figurine. Offenders Made Good Escape

    TAKE MOTOR/VEH W/O OWNER CONSENT TUE 03-JUN-08 22:00 to WED 04-JUN-08 07:00 WESTBROOK AVENUE U/K Offenders Approached Insecure M/V Mini Cooper Which Was Parked On Driveway And Stole Same Vehicle Was Recovered A Hundred Yards Down The Road By Ip

    Congratulations to the Walsall Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association (WBNWA) which has just won £5000 in funding which will be used to support Junior Neighbourhood Watch in schools across the Borough. Any watch groups interested in running Junior Neighbourhood Watch programmes with their local schools can contact the WBNWA via myself.

    WEST Midlands Police are cracking down on drivers who drink and drive this summer. From 1 June 08 through to 30 June 08, officers will be working in partnership with local authorities and the Highways Agency to tackle the problem of drink driving across the force area. Officers will be on high visibility patrols around the region and will also set up a number of static check points at various locations to carry out spot checks on drivers.

    In previous campaigns, officers have breathalysed more than 3,000 drivers in a month. All of those involved in road traffic collisions who have committed moving traffic offences or who are suspected of having alcohol or drugs in their systems will be stopped and checked during the campaign. For more information visit the West Midlands Police website at

    Friday 16 May 2008

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE WED 07-MAY-08 23:00 to THU 08-MAY-08 06:00 WHETSTONE LANE Aprilla Rs125 Motorcycle Was Secured With A Disk Lock On Driveway Of House, Unknown Offender Has Stolen Same Making Good Escape

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE MON 12-MAY-08 11:45 to 19:00 WALSALL ROAD U/K Offenders Approached Secure Unattended Motorbike Stole Same By U/K Means And Made Good Escape

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE THU 08-MAY-08 00:01 to 06:05 GRETTON CRESCENT Unknown Offender Have Approached Secure Rear Garden Opened Gates And Stolen Honda Motorcycle Making Good Escape

    Theft of Motorcycles and Scooters. (see above) In recent weeks there has been a marked rise in the number of thefts of motorcycles and scooters across the Walsall area: many from driveways and gardens. Please advise motorcycle owners to take greater precautions when leaving their bikes, particularly in the use of physical security such as chains, u-locks and disc locks. Bikes should be garaged whenever possible. There’s some good advice about motorcycle security at

    A bogus caller burglary has been reported in Wellfield Road, Aldridge. Shortly after 7pm on Thursday the occupant was visited by a lone male who said that the water was contaminated and that he needed to drain the system. He then loosened some pipes under the sink and left water gushing out. While the occupant was cleaning up he has searched the house and stolen property. Offender is described as: white male, 5’2” to 5’6” tall, medium build, brown hair, aged 18 – 20, midlands accent. He was wearing a dark grey jumper and dark bottoms. A new ‘password’ scheme to be used by the utility companies is being launched next week. Watch the press for more details.

    Friday 9 May 2008

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE WED 07-MAY-08 23:00 to THU 08-MAY-08 06:00 WHETSTONE LANE Aprilla Rs125 M/C Was Secured With A Disk Lock On Driveway Of House, Unknown Offender Has Stolen Same Making Good Escape

    BURGLARY OTHER BUILDING WED 30-APR-08 22:30 to THU 01-MAY-08 08:00 BOSTY LANE Offenders Entered Detached Garage Situated At Side Of House Premises Insecure And Not Locked Offender Cut Chain To Mower Stole And Asserted Items Made Good Escape

    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE THU 08-MAY-08 00:01 to 06:05 GRETTON CRESCENT Unknown Offender Have Approached Secure Rear Garden Opened Gates And Stolen Honda Cbr Yellow M/C Making Good Escape

    Motorcycle thefts. Note two motorcycle thefts in the South Aldridge area, from Whetstone Lane and Gretton Crescent.

    Andy Cattell, Chair of North Aldridge Neighbourhood Watch has asked me to issue an invitation to attend the group’s next meeting which will take place on Thursday 15 May starting at 7.30pm. The venue is St. Thomas’ Church, St Thomas’ Close, Aldridge. If you have a sat nav the postcode is WS9 8SL. The meeting promises to be very interesting, with presentations from the Fire Service and Street Pride.

    On 22 April police were called to an address in Park Road, Rushall following a report that two males had attempted to break into a garage at the address. The person reporting the crime had recognised one of the males as being local and following an area search by the police this male was detained and later charged. The second male was later also identified and charged on the evidence given by the caller. This great result is due to the vigilance and perseverance of the householder who is of course, a member of neighbourhood watch!

    A neighbourhood watch member has called me to spread the word that their debit card has been cloned and used to make purchases worth several thousand pounds in Australia. The victim’s bank has informed them that the card details were probably obtained at a cash machine (ATM), and as the victim is careful only to use local machines has asked that all NW members be made aware that this scam is once again occurring in the Walsall area. If you can’t use a machine which is situated inside a bank branch take extra care to check the machine before using it, and of course be on the look out for anyone hanging around in the vicinity of the machine.

    There have been several reports this week of rogue builders targeting elderly residents in the Aldridge area. They are thought to be using a small white Peugeot van and are well known to police and trading standards. Please advise your neighbours, especially the elderly and vulnerable not to have any dealings with cold callers. If you see these men DO NOT challenge them, instead call the police immediately.

    Friday 2 May 2008

    ATTEMPT BURGLARY DWELLING, MON 28-APR-08 08:30 to 15:30 LONGWOOD ROAD. U/K Offenders Have Approached Garage Of Dwelling And Removed The Door Handle In An Attempt To Gain Access The Offenders Have Also Attempted To Gain Access To The Dwelling House By Tampering With The Front Door Lock. No Access Gained. Minimal Damage Caused. No Offenders Seen.

    ATTEMPT BURGLARY DWELLING, WED 23-APR-08 07:30 to 16:00, GRETTON CRESCENT.Between Material Times U/K Offenders Forced Window Frame Causing Damage Entry Not Gained Offenders Made Good Escape

    Fieldworkers from MEL (Measurement Evaluation and Learning) will be interviewing members of the public across the Force area until the end of May. They are working on behalf of West Midlands Police conducting a 'Feeling the Difference Survey'. They will show an identification card and carry a letter of authorisation from the force. The survey will ask people's opinions of policing and community safety. Personal details, such as composition of household, age, religious belief are also collected to enable us to ensure we achieve a representative sample.

    A business watch contact has passed on the following scam. 'A lady called saying she was from BT and requesting an immediate payment of £18 by card for an unpaid bill otherwise the line would be disconnected immediately. The caller who said her name was Anita was advised that the company would contact their BT Adviser, the caller then hung up'. Beware this scam as it may be tried with household customers.

    A distraction burglary occurred this week whereby the offenders have gained access to the premises by telling the occupant that there was a problem with the water and that they worked for Dynarod. This makes a change from the usual water board officials, please be aware and remind your members about allowing access to any cold callers.

    Please remind your neighbours to consider the security of their gardens, sheds and garages to prevent burglary and theft this spring. For more information please visit the West Midlands Police website by clicking on the shed picture above or contact me for a shed security leaflet.

    Friday 25 April 2008

    Incidents of Note
    THEFT FROM PERSON SAT 19-APR-08 11:55 to 12:10 THE SQUARE. Whilst Ip Was Shopping In Aldridge Unknown Male Bumped Into Ip On Checking His Trouser Pocket Was Aware That Wallet Had Been Taken No Details Of Offender Ip Waited Until He Returned Home Before Contacting Police

    Your Neighbourhood Team Contact Details
    South Aldridge
    Sergeant Peter Finch
    Based at: Aldridge police station
    You can contact the North and South Aldridge team on: 0845 113 5000 ext 7883 6532.

    Latest figures show that crime has once again fallen across Walsall. For example:

    • Overall crime down 5.3% (25,009 to 23690)
    • House burglary down 2.7% (1,519 to 1,478)
    • Violent crime down 3.7% (5,799 to 5,585)
    • Robbery down 4.5% (449 to 429)
    • 1,319 fewer victims in Walsall
    For more details visit the West Midlands Police Website at

    On 21/04/08 at 13.27 hrs in COALPOOL LANE, Walsall a group of suspicious males visited an elderly gent and sold him Gold to the value of £40.00. The Gold turns out to be worthless. The males were seen leaving in a ‘T’ registration Volkswagen Passat. It is believed this vehicle is linked to a group of Eastern European males who have committed similar offences in other parts of the country. Please be aware.

    Friday 11 April 2008

    Incidents of Note
    CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO DWELLING FRI 04-APR-08 09:30 to 13:00 ERDINGTON ROAD Persons U/K Threw U/K Substance Over Front Windows And Door Causing Damage To Same Unsure If It Will Come Off

    Bogus Callers – Update to Relay message 07.04.2008 11:30hrs - officer were called to Holly Lane, Walsall Wood to the report of a distraction burglary. Three white males attended the address purporting to be from the gas board investigating a gas explosion that had occurred at an address down the road. All males were well presented and very friendly and remained at the address for around 30 minutes. During this time, one of the males spoke with the occupants of the address whilst the other two "checked the gas." during this time, two of the males have entered upstairs bedrooms and commenced an untidy search, stealing cash stored there. The offenders all left believed in a white van making good escape. Suspects described as 3 x white males, in their 30's, two wearing dark suits with pin stripes, and the other dressed smartly but more casual, wearing a beige jumper and dark trousers. The males were very friendly and chatty and spoke with a local accent. The vehicle used is described as a small white van with a green background on the side with white writing. Witnesses state that a white high roofed transit van was seen in the road with white writing on a green background with the words "car and van rental" written on the side. For your information and observations please.

    Friday 4 April 2008

    Incidents of Note
    THEFT FROM MOTOR VEHICLE. SUN 30-MAR-08 12:45 to MON 31-MAR-08 08:00 WESTFIELD DRIVE. Unknown Offenders Smashed Rear Passenger Side And Driver Side Window With A Plant Pot. Made Tidy Search And Stole A Bible. Offenders Made Good Their Escape

    BURGLARY OTHER BUILDING THU 27-MAR-08 17:00 to FRI 28-MAR-08 09:40 SUTTON ROAD Between Material Times U/K Offenders Has Approached Garage Located On Ips Property And Have Forced Garage Door By Using Flat Sided Implement Property Has Been Stolen From The Garage And Offenders Made Good Escape

    North Aldridge Neighbourhood Watch hold their AGM on Thursday 15th May at St Thomas’s Church Hall, off Kingshayes Road, Aldridge. Commencing at 7.30 pm. There will be a guest speaker from West Mids Fire Service and a full evening. If any other NHW supporters (or residents interested) would like to attend, the North Aldridge Committee would make them most welcome. For your sat nav the postcode is WS9 8SL.

    On Tuesday 18th March residents in Primley Avenue, Alumwell, had leaflets delivered asking for any ‘broken or old gold and silver’. There was a named contact on the leaflet, which also stated a return time for collection of gold/silver of 6 hours later. The man seen delivering these leaflets was spoken to by police officers and his details taken. Whilst there is no suggestion that these people are bogus, please remind your members that they should be wary of selling any unwanted gold, silver or other items to cold callers. In order to ensure that they get the full value of the items they should be taken to legitimate traders for valuation before sale.

    On 31/03/2008 two males have apparently entered a dwelling in Bloxwich under the guise of police officers. The occupier panicked as they said they had a warrant to search the premises for drugs. No paperwork or warrant cards were seen. The two males searched the upstairs master bedroom accompanied by the occupier took nothing and left the address. No descriptions other than two white males in shirt and tie. Once again please remind your neighbours about always asking for I.D.

    Friday 14 March 2008

    Incidents of Note
    THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE SAT 08-MAR-08 00:30 to 01:30 REDHOUSE LANE, Offenders Unknown Have Stolen Secure Unattended Red Subaru By Means Unknown Later Recovered With Ignition Damage

    Robbery On 7th March occurred in Ely Road, Walsall, the victim is a 79-year-old male, lone occupant. Three unknown white males knocked the victim’s front door and claimed to be from the water board. When victim refused the offenders entry, they pushed open the front door, assaulted the victim and made off with cash. As they left the premises they ripped the phone line out, making it unusable.

    Also on the same day similar offences occurred in Bloxwich and Wolverhampton, again 3 white males this time purporting to be from the water-board. Violence has been used on 2 elderly victims

    Descriptions for Walsall offence are:
    1.White male,6 foot tall, thin build, brown hair clean shaven early 20s, Walsall accent, short blond hair, wearing white shirt, brown jacket, blue jeans and dark shoes
    2. White male 5’8” – 5’9”, medium build, early 20s, light brown hair, clean-shaven wearing a white shirt
    3. White male 5’8” medium build, early 20s

    Please be on the look out and remind neighbours not to allow entry to unexpected visitors. The annual ‘Walking The Fair’ event will take place on Friday 18th April, leaving from the Crossing Square (next to the bus station) at 10.30 am. There is a tradition of Walking the Fair that has been recorded in both paintings and postcards that we are proud to see continue with the support and presence of the Town’s First Citizen The Mayor of Walsall. This event gives the Borough of Walsall a distinct opportunity to mark the granting of the Market Charter and the dedication of the traders to maintaining this long and historic tradition of enterprise.

    Kevin Pitt took time away recovering from an accident in December through to March 2008. "

    November 2007 crime watch reports

    Crime watch Report week ending Friday 30th November

    Incidents of Note

    BURGLARY DWELLING, SAT 24-NOV-07 in Aldridge
    The victim had Left The Front Door Of Property Unlocked Due To Daughter Having Just Left the house. The victim Then Going Into Kitchen To Put Away Groceries And Was Joined 5 Minutes Later By Son In Law At This State Offender Was Already In The Address And Searched Upstairs Rooms Untidy Offender Has Then Ran From Upstairs Back Through Open Front Door Son In Law Saw Male

    Unknown Male On Bike Has Come From Behind victim, Snatched Her Handbag And Made Off

    Npower – cold calling
    Note that the energy company Npower may be canvassing door to door during the coming weeks. Representatives, who will be working up to 8pm, will carry two badges, one from Npower and the other from Energysure, both include photographs. The telephone number to verify the identity of callers is 08456 0111 102. If the agents are successful in encouraging the householder to change energy suppliers, and the householder is over 65 years of age, they will require a witness signature to the contract.

    Credit Card Warning
    A few people have sent me an e-mail warning of a credit card scam whereby a caller purporting to be from your credit card company will call to ‘warn’ of a fraudulent transaction on your account. In short, the caller will ask you to confirm the security code on the back of your card. Suffice to say the caller is not from your credit card company (they already know your card’s security code) and some time later actual false transactions will appear on your account. I have checked this warning at and have found it to be true. However, it is rather old, having first appeared in 2003. I have not actually heard of anyone becoming a victim of this scam. Many such warning, both real and hoax, are circulating by e-mail. Before passing on any e-mails please check them out at a site such as to avoid alarming your friends unnecessarily.

    Chief Constable’s Christmas Message to Neighbourhood Watch Members

    This year has seen many changes within the police service and the Neighbourhood Watch movement. The restructuring of Neighbourhood Watch both nationally and at regional level will assist in bringing our two organisations closer together.

    In policing such diverse communities within the West Midlands, affected by many issues both globally and at home, the challenges and demands increase year on year. On appointment to the West Midlands Police, I sought to broaden the definition of our aims to include a reference to making our communities feel safer. Our feeling the difference surveys are unique within the police service in providing an assessment of quality of life, fear of crime and feelings of public satisfaction. The most important fact to arise from our regular surveys is that most people believe crime is reducing or at worst remaining stable. This is directly contrary to the British Crime Survey, which shows that across the nation almost two thirds of people believe crime is increasing. Facts such as this are a real indicator of success and confirm that our approach to Neighbourhood Policing with your support is beginning to produce real difference within our communities.

    In terms of our performance, we have seen some outstanding results across the West Midlands. Whilst there is still much to be done, Neighbourhood Watch groups should be proud of the contribution they have made, in making our community, a safer place in which to live, travel and work. Working together in partnership to prevent and reduce crime continues to be one of our main aims and I hope that you will continue to support us during the next year. Every victim is one too many and it is important that communities help us to identify and look after potentially vulnerable people. This message is never more important than at this time of year.

    I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Neighbourhood Watch on their 25th anniversary and thank you all, for your continued dedication and selflessness in giving your time and effort so freely, in support of West Midlands Police and your local communities.

    Once again I thank you on behalf of West Midlands Police for the tremendous work you do and wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and every good wish for the New Year.

    Sir Paul Scott-Lee,
    Chief Constable,
    West Midlands Police.

    Crime watch Report week ending Friday 23 November

    Incidents of Note
    CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO VEHICLE THU 15-NOV-07 19:50 to 20:30 LONGWOOD LANE Unknown Offenders Caused Damage To Motor Vehicle By Throwing A Brick At The Front Windscreen Causing This To Crack Offenders Made Good Their Escape

    CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO VEHICLE WED 14-NOV-07 18:00 to 20:00 MIDDLEMORE LANE U/K Offenders Have Smashed The Windows To A Tractor Unit Whilst It Was Parked In The Street Causing Damage To The Value Of £900

    Distraction Burglary On Tuesday 20 November a number of distraction burglary offences occurred across the Walsall area, as follows:

    At about 6.15pm in New Street, Rushall, two offenders gained entry to an occupied dwelling by forcing the front door. Once inside a search was made and a quantity of cash stolen. An offender was confronted by the occupant of the house while making his escape and is described as: White male, 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet tall, heavy build, aged 40 to 50 years, midland accent, wearing a flat cap.

    It is believed that the offenders may be the same as in the following incident.

    At about 7.30pm in Coalpool Place, Walsall, an offender entered the house through the insecure front door and told the occupant to turn on the taps as there was a leak next door. After turning on the taps the occupant ushered the offender out of the house by the back door, but then found a second offender inside the house who was also told to leave. Thanks to quick thinking by the occupant nothing was stolen. It is believed that the offenders were using a silver Audi estate car.

    The offenders are described as: 1/ white male, 6 feet tall, heavy build, clean shaven, aged approx. 50 years, midland accent. Wearing a woolly beanie hat and black clothing.

    2/ white male, 5 feet 7 inches tall, medium build, aged approx. 60 years, midland accent. Wearing a flat cap and dark clothing.

    It is believed that this incident followed an unsuccessful attempt to force entry to another property in the street.

    At about 7.25pm two men called at a dwelling in Westminster Road, Rushall. The occupant opened the door on a security chain and was told by the men that they were from the water board and needed to check the supply. They were not allowed entry. One offender is described as:

    Male, aged in his 30’s, heavy build, mousey coloured hair brushed back and cut in steps, Irish accent.

    Later, at about 8.20pm two men were in Ashbourne Road, Little Bloxwich, acting as water board officials. They are described as:

    1/ white male, 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall, slim build, clean shaven, aged 30 to 37 years, irish accent, wearing a flat cap, dark duffle coat and scarf. 2/ white male, approx. 5 feet 2 inches tall, stocky build, aged 30 to 35 years, wearing a flat cap and duffle coat.

    Similar incidents have also occurred in Wolverhampton.

    The silver Audi estate is significant as it was seen at several incidents. Please ask all neighbours, particularly the elderly and vulnerable to be extra alert for bogus callers, and to follow the example of the resident of Westminster Road by denying them entry.

    Relay Messages Due to a problem with the system there will be no messages sent out for a while.

    RSPCA: update In last week’s newsletter I highlighted concerns about RSPCA representatives asking residents to supply bank account details on their doorstep. The RSPCA have now contacted police headquarters to let us know that they have stopped collecting for this year. Doorstep canvassing will recommence in February and the police will be informed. They are also taking on board our concerns regarding their fundraising methods. If you wish to donate to the RSPCA visit

    Crime watch Report week ending Friday 16 November

    Wartime Souvenirs
    Following two recent events where possibly live military ordnance (such as hand grenades) have been found in peoples homes, please remind neighbours that keeping a bomb as a souvenir is not a good idea!

    Apply now to the new Tax Refund Program
    Please note that an e-mail purporting to be from HM Treasury, promising a tax refund, is doing the rounds. This is a scam, if you are eligible for a tax refund it will come from the Inland Revenue not the Treasury. DO NOT click on the link “Apply by clicking here”.

    Callers At the Door.
    I’ve recently had a couple of concerns raised about fund raisers from the RSPCA asking residents to fill in direct debit forms on their doorsteps, occasionally using ‘hard sell’ tactics which have left residents feeling intimidated. As this has happened in other areas the police have contacted the RSPCA who are understandably concerned. The company working on behalf of the RSPCA has also been contacted and warned that such practices will not be tolerated and any further complaints will be referred to Trading Standards. They have agreed to review their approach and will be informing the police regarding locations, dates, hours of operating, officers names, vehicles and license/permit details prior to any activity. The police do not want to prevent the RSPCA (or any other legitimate charities) from raising funds, however we will not tolerate members of the community being intimidated in their homes. You are advised not to hand over bank details at the doorstep to cold callers. If you want to donate there are several ways of securely supplying your bank details, for example by post or secure internet connection. If you are visited by fundraisers whose behaviour gives cause for concern please let me know.

    Crime watch Report week ending Friday 2 November

    Distraction Burglary: Delves, Walsall
    A distraction burglary took place on Wednesday 31 October in Lord Street, Delves, whereby the offender called at the address and stated that he was working next door and needed to stand in the rear garden. The victim has allowed him entry, locking the front door but after a few minutes of standing in the rear garden has noticed an upstairs light come on in the house. The offender made good his escape via the rear garden. Please be aware of this method.

    November edition of the exclusive Walsall Crime Reduction News which includes the latest news about crime reduction initiatives from across the H1 Walsall area.
    click on the images below.

    Crime Reduction News November 2007 page 1 Crime Reduction News November 2007 page 2

    For a copy of the Free Aldridge Newsletter delivered by email, please use the form below:
    Your email address will NOT be passed to any other organisation. Please take care to enter your correct email address to ensure you recieve your welcome message.
    Free Newsletter from Aldridge Village website in Walsall west midlands uk

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