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Aldridge Lions Club Aldridge, Walsall
WS9, West Midlands UK.

" We Serve "

The Aldridge & District Lions Club have been active in the Aldridge area for nearly 20 years during which time their fundraising activities have raised many thousands of pounds which has been used to fund a very wide range of needy causes locally, nationally and internationally.

Today, the Lions organise two main events during the year which are the major sources of income. During the run up to Christmas each year, the members are active each weekend collecting monies for their charity fund and bringing along Santa in his sleigh to meet the children.

Every June the Lions present the annual Aldridge Fayre, now in its 15th year. This is the main community event for the people of Aldridge and surrounding areas and thousands of people come to this free event on Anchor Meadow, in Aldridge.

Apart from these two major events the Lions also arrange several other fund raising activities during the year, including beer & skittles evenings. Other events include quizzes and sponsored activities.

The Lions are also active in local schools and organise inter school quizzes and other competitions.

However, it is not all hard work for the Lions. We very much believe in fellowship and fun and we arrange many events for our own members such as meals, theatre visits, bowling, and much more.

Why not find out more about the Lions Club?

Come along and meet the Lions, find out just what we do and how we help within the local community, see for yourselves some of the projects with which we have been involved in the past or just have a drink and chat.

For more details on the Lions Club or to arrange to come to one of our open evening please phone Mike Barker (01922 456558) or Harry Fry (01922 451638

See all local events in Aldridge area What's on in Aldridge

Aldridge Fayre

The 15th annual Aldridge Fayre was held on Saturday 20th June 2009. This major community event for the people of Aldridge and surrounding areas is organised by the Aldridge & District Lions Club and has been most successful over a number of years.

Clyde Redfern, Lions Club President, said, “The Fayre, together with our Christmas collections, is one of the major events for the Club in our calendar. It is aimed at the many charity groups in the area who are able to attend the Fayre and raise much needed money for their own funds,”

In addition to the charity stalls, which have a wide range of activities, the Fayre has a full afternoon of arena entertainment, trade stalls and a large fun fair. The arena events include a jazz band, dance displays and musical entertainment. This year it will also include a tug-of-war competition organised and run by Richard Davis of Colossus Gym in Aldridge who are raising funds for the National Institute for Conductive Education. They are taking the opportunity of tying in with the Fayre to obtain maximum support.

Fayre co-ordinator, John Butler, said, “Whilst we already have very good support from charity groups and have a good range of activities for the arena, we are always looking for additional groups who may be able to benefit from the Fayre. Our major problem is in the ongoing funding for the event. As the Fayre is held on Anchor Meadow in Aldridge, an open area, we are not able to charge an admission fee. Previously we have had a good range of trade stalls and some sponsorship which has financed the running of the event. With the current economic conditions, both of these areas are down on previous years and we are urgently seeking more trade stalls and, hopefully, some form of sponsorship.”

Charity groups who would like a stall at the Fayre or businesses wanting to have a trade stand at this major community event can contact John Butler on 0121 353 6400.

Lions website
John Butler
Aldridge & District Lions
PR Officer
Tel: 0121 353 6400
Fax: 0121 353 9600

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