Tuesday 18:00-19:00 (all Fitness levels Welcome)
Kind Fitness Boot Camp is all about YOU, the client. We continuously review all our programmes, research the latest information so that we can ensure that you are getting the best from us.
Our mission at Kind Fitness Boot Camp is to create a lifestyle programme that re-energizes, informs and inspires you to permanently change the way you look, feel and perform forever. Not only will you feel the physical and emotional benefits that are associated with the Kind Fitness programme, we will also give you the support and resources to make sure you keep up the good work once you return home and even then we stay in touch and give you support and fitness advice, ensuring your journey to the �New You� is a success. phone Neil on Mobile: 07837 818922 and visit Kind Fitness website
Tuesday Zumba class from 7.30pm Leighswood School Key Stage 1 entrance
The Latin-inspired, easy to follow, calorie-burning, dance fitness-party. Feel the music and let loose. Contact Debbie Allers: 07968604503
Tuesday Rhythm Time Classes. magic of music with Rhythm Time.
Stimulating multi-sensory baby classes from birth. Exciting toddler classes from 14 months. mornings at Aldridge Community Centre. Anchor Meadow Middlemore Lane Aldridge WS9 8AN
Book your session now. Classes:
Baby (0 months - 18 months) 10:00am and Toddler (14 months - 3 years)1 0:45 am with Catherine Bayliss
Please contact Catherine on 0121 370 4748 or visit the website: Rhythm Time
Tuesdays, Aldridge Activity Group meets at Aldridge Manor Youth Club, Little Aston Road, Aldridge. Fun activites for 8 - 12 year olds. DJ Workshops, grafitti art, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, music production - or anything else you would like to do. Earn your place on half term trips - Drayton Manor, ice skating and go karting. Contact Charlotte Thornley on 01922 625060 or 07976 491644 or charlotte.thornley@nacro.org.uk, or Margaret francis, Full Time Youth Worker on 01922 743220 or francismargaret@walsall.gov.uk
Tuesday Explorers 14 - 18 years of age meet at the Aldridge 1st Scout Group from 7:15pm-9:00pm see website
Tuesday afternoon
2.00 p.m. � 3.00 p.m. TAI CHI at St. John�s Church Hall, St. John�s Hill, Shenstone,
Lichfield, Staffs, WS14 0JB.
Low Impact Gentle form of exercise suitable for all. Slow graceful movements encourage Relaxation, Deep Breathing,
Balance, Coordination and a Meditative state of Mind; the result being a Calmer, Healthier, Stronger
and more Confidant individual.
Tai Chi Chuan has many benefits to ones health and wellbeing regardless of your age or present fitness levels.
Fully Qualified Instructor, Regulated by Kai Ming Association for Tai Chi Chuan
Affiliated to the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain
BCCMA and Recognised by the Sports Council For further details, please ring Neil on 01543 480151 or 07721 670913
Tuesday North Birmingham Cyclists Touring Club meet at the Club House in Shenstone. Contact John Bedford, telephone 0121 353 5136
Tuesday Walsall Wood Camera Club website meet at 8.00pm at St. John's Community Hall, St. John's Church, Lichfield Road, Walsall Wood, Walsall.
Tuesday SIMPLY PILATES with Diane Harrold Shenstone St johns Church Hall 10.00 - 11.00am Phone: 01922 454705
Tuesday Little Steps Gym organised by Thao Lam. special offer for Mums and Babies up to 15 months. Venue is at Walsall Wood Methodist Church, Lichfield Rd, Walsall Wood, WS9 9NP
Time for Steps babies is 11.00am.
All email enquiries are welcome
Tuesday meeting, Aldridge Running Club The Stick & wicket Club, Cricket Club website in Aldridge at 7.15 pm, call Tony Jones on 01922 722607.
Aldridge Running Club website
Tuesday Line Dancing classes at Aldridge Community Centre (Regular event each Tuesday)
Absolute Beginner 9-15am - 10-15am
Beginner + 1 year 10-30am - 11-30am
improvers 11-45am - 1-15pm
intermediates 1-30pm - 3-30pm.
at Aldridge Community Centre.
New members are very welcome, just call Pat Harris to confirm class details on 0121 308 5192
Email Enquiries welcome
Tuesday Super Slim Club meets at 7pm
Walsall Wood Club, claim your free consultation with Coleen Allen your Personal Weight Loss Consultant at The Royal Exchange, High Street, Walsall Wood, Walsall. Free Diet and Weight Loss Consultation
2nd Tuesday each month Aldridge Flower Club meet at 7.30 p.m. at Aldridge Youth Theatre
Aldridge, Walsall.
4th Tuesday each month Aldridge Flower Club meet at 7.30 p.m. at Community Centre Aldridge
Aldridge, Walsall.
Tuesday Bliss yoga class with Michelle Nicklin at Leighswood Primary School, Broadmeadow, Aldridge on Tuesday nights 7.30 till 9, all welcome, no need to pre book just turn up. For more info check out Bliss Yoga Website or call Michelle on 01922 624182.
Tuesdays, Walsall Company Of Archers, meet at Aldridge School, Gaydon Road Entrance, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 0SX. Archery Club for the sport that is suitable for people of all abilities
Wednesdays, "Yoga in the yoga lodge wood cabin", bourne vale next to Woodlands Adventure in Aldridge, 6.15 - 7.30 pm evening interested ? please call 07771924918
wednesday mornings 9:30, Free style fitness yoga class, at Aldridge community centre. contact Neal Findlay, Phone: 01922 455660
Wednesdays, Arts and Crafts classes for 1 - 11 year olds at Aldridge Community Centre, WS9 8AN from 11.00 - 11.55 am. For details call Sue on 0844 854 9089
Creative arts and craft sessions for preschool children, birthday parties and events for children 1-11yrs old.
The Creation Station for fun and Inspiring arts and crafts classes for 1 - 11 year olds throughout the year. Also, the ultimate arts and crafts birthday parties. Contact Sue on 0844 854 9089 or visit The Creation Station
Wednesday Tai Chi Class Aldridge Community Centre, Anchor Meadow, Middlemore Lane, Aldridge from 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm. Contact Steve on 078459 81677.
Tai Chi website
Wednesday ZUMBA fitness class with Dawn Findlay 6:30-7:30pm in Aldridge
St Thomas Church Hall, St Thomas Close (off Kingshayes Road), Aldridge, WS9 8SN. Come and party yourself into shape, with this fun exercise class based around latin and world rhythms...Zumba is for everyone, no matter your age, shape or size.
see full details on Dawn Findlays Zumba website
Wednesday ZUMBA fitness class with Dawn Findlay 8-9pm at The Killock hall,Longwood Lane,
Aldridge, WS5 3AT see full details on Dawn Findlays Zumba website
Wednesday Afternoons Rainbow Rhyme sessions at Leighswood Children Centre, Broadmeadow, Aldridge,WS9 8FY.
We hold weekly sessions at Leighswood children's centre. We run 2 sessions:
1:00pm-1:45pm Newborns to walkers
2:00pm-2:45pm Walkers+
For more information including pricing please get in touch!
To book a place please call Leighswood children's centre on: 01922 457186
Wednesday, Beavers 6 - 8 years of age. meet at the Aldridge 1st Scout Group from 6:00pm-7:00pm see website
Wednesday, Cubs 8 -10� years of age meet at the Aldridge 1st Scout Group from 7:15pm - 8:30pm see website
Wednesday The Aldridge Musical Comedy Society meet 8pm at the Keeling School of Dance, High St. Aldridge and would welcome any prospective members to come and meet us at any one of our rehearsals. Aldridge Musical Comedy Society
Wednesday Karate at Aldridge Airport Adult and children Karate from 6.30pm - 8.30pm Adults
Wednesday Ballroom Latin Dance class at Aldridge Community Centre
The Intermediate ballroom/latin class is 8.30pm to 9.15pm
The beginners ballroom /latin class is 9.15pm to 10pm
Contact Gwyneth Dawson on 07812 364660
Wednesdays, Jo Leigh School of Dance in Aldridge, Cheerdance aged 10 plus and competitive team 12 plus. Call Jo on 07968 147103 for more details
Wednesday Fairtrade coffee shop open at St. Thomas Church 9.00 till 10.30. (every wednesday)
Wednesday Aldridge Bridge Club meet at 7:15 till 10pm in Aldridge Community Centre
Wednesdays Fat Burner Boot Camp is held at Oak Park, Lichfield Road, Walsall Wood, Walsall ,WS9 9PQ at 9:45am and 7.30pm,
The camp aims to boost your energy, kick start weight loss and leave you feeling fitter and healthier in just 21 days or less! Paul will educate, guide and motivate you to achieve weight loss success, supporting you throughout your personal training with a friendly approach.
To drop a dress size in just one month or your money back contact Paul Wilson at Fat Burner Boot Camp on 07891 931 245
1st Wednesday of each month, The Fishing Club have their monthly meeting at Aldridge social club from 7pm see
1st Wednesday of each month, Women of Walsall SOROPTIMISTS CLUB volunteer service organization for women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world, and also have fun too. We encourage potential new members to join us for dinner, call our membership secretary Jane Perham on 01922 640221
1st Wednesday of each month, Age uk Walsall, Advocacy Service,holds a surgery at the Walsall Centre for Independent Living, Walsall to help residents aged 18 or more with physical, sensory impairment or a mental health issues gain access to information and services, write letters, or attend meetings plus a range of other assistance. To get more information or to talk in confidence to a trained advocate, call Kerry on 01922 638835 or Roy on 01922 650790.
2nd Wednesday of each month regular meeting of Aldridge Reading Group at Aldridge Library, 4.45pm - 5.45pm. Tel 01922 655569.
4th Wednesday of the month the Lynn & Stonnall Conservation & Historical Society meet at 7.30 p.m. in the wooden Youth and Community Centre in Main Street, Stonnall, Walsall, Staffordshire, WS9 9DX, next door to st Peters, the village school. Contact name: Mr Peter Terry Tel: 01543 372410
Wednesday Aldridge Airport Walk Meet at 10.15 for a 10.30 am start to take part in this moderate intensity walk, which encounters slight inclines and stiles on both hard and soft surfaces. The walk will last approximately 2 hours covering 3 to 4 miles. Meet at the Lower Hanger car park, which can be accessed from the entrance off Bosty Lane.
Thursday pilates class Shenston [St Johns Hill] starts 9.30am with Diane Harrold. Phone: 01922 454705
Thursdays 2-3pm Streetly Children's Centre, Foley Road, Baby Yoga (for babies 8 weeks - 8 months and their carers) by BLISS YOGA see blissyoga.org.uk
Thursdays 7.30-8.45pm Leigshwood School, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 8HZ Yoga and Meditation by Bliss Yoga see blissyoga.org.uk
Thursday, Lazy Hill Dance club meet in the Hall at the rear of the lazy hill pub walsall wood road and learn ballroom, latin & sequence dancing at 8 pm, yes just like Strictly! we love to see new members. Contact Paul Brearley Phone: 0121 353 1992
Thursday Zumba class from 7.30pm and again at 8.30pm at Leighswood School Key Stage 2 entrance. The Latin-inspired, easy to follow, calorie-burning, dance fitness-party. Feel the music and let loose. Contact Debbie: 07968604503
Thursday Scouts 10� - 14 years of age meet at the Aldridge 1st Scout Group from 7:15pm-9:00pm see website
Thursdays Aldridge Rotary Club meet 7pm at Druids Heath Golf Club, Stonnall Road, Aldridge, WS9 8JZ Tel: 01922 455595 or visit website
Thursday, The Aldridge Fitness League meets at 10.15am in Aldridge Community Centre for more info, telephone Margaret Jones on 01922 624850
Thursday SIMPLY PILATES with Diane Harrold Shenstone St johns Church Hall 9.30- 10.30 am Phone: 01922 454705
Thursday Aldridge Library Cradle Club (Mother & Toddler group)
10.30am -12.00 . Telephone: 01922 655569
Thursday 8.30 pm Walsall Astronomical Society meeting, a small group of stargazers who meet there every Thursday for talks, slide shows, to look at the sky through telescopes or just to chat over a beer. Rushall Olympic Football Club, Dales Lane, Rushall, Walsall, WS4 1LJ
Thursday evening pub quiz at The WhiteHouse in Aldridge 9pm start with prizes to be won plus win free beer, also at end of quiz a chance to win cash anything up to �80, this is a fun quiz so not to serious, but come early to get a seat. Quiz master Dave Watts welcomes all new contestants for a fun night !
Thursday Aldridge Photographic Society Meeting at 7.45pm till 10pm in Aldridge Community Centre
Thursday Aldridge Bridge Club meet at 1.15 pm till 4.15 pm in Aldridge Community Centre
Thursday Anchorage over 55 Club Meet at 1 till 4 pm for socialising with the only boules pitch in Walsall, bingo, bowling and other activities. For more information find us at the Anchorage Club, Leighswood road, near the new flats and community centre in Aldridge or call 01922 451599 and speak with Margaret or call 01543 370372 to speak with Geoff.
Thursday Ballroom / Latin dancing classes held at Blue Coat Secondary School Walsall, West Midlands. The beginner's class starts at 7pm but the dance school caters for all standards. It's a really friendly class and we have loads of fun as well as learning new skills. Check out the website Dance x treme
1st and 3rd Thursday each month Aldridge & District Lions Club meets
at Barons Court Hotel, Walsall Wood, start at 8.00 pm. They are great opportunities to get to know club members better and to network. For more information see the website
Friday ZUMBA fitness class with Dawn Findlay 1.15pm-2.15pm in Aldridge
Aldridge Community Centre, Middlemore Lane, Aldridge, WS9 8AN Come and party yourself into shape, with this fun exercise class based around latin and world rhythms...Zumba is for everyone, no matter your age, shape or size.
see full details on Dawn Findlays Zumba website
Friday Walsall Roads Cycling Club in Aldridge for juniors, adults and seniors
Fridays evenings 9-10pm at The Scout Hut. Middlemore Lane, Aldridge.
Racing Fees (time trials e.t.c)
including organised rides and on a ad hoc basis.
for further information please call 0121 311 2931 or visit website
Friday, Aikido at Oak Park Leisure Centre Lichfield Road
Walsall Wood Walsall WS9 9PQ from 19.30 - 21.30 p.m (Adults and Juniors) contact Aikido Instructor Richard Power Sensei Tel: 07779 509835 or 01922 636039 all welcome and first lesson free visit west midlands aikido website
Fridays Fat Burner Boot Camp is held at Oak Park, Lichfield Road, Walsall Wood, Walsall ,WS9 9PQ at 9:45am and 7.30pm,
The camp aims to boost your energy, kick start weight loss and leave you feeling fitter and healthier in just 21 days or less! Paul will educate, guide and motivate you to achieve weight loss success, supporting you throughout your personal training with a friendly approach.
To drop a dress size in just one month or your money back contact Paul Wilson at Fat Burner Boot Camp on 07891 931 245
Friday Walsall Handspinners meet every Friday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Anchorage Club ( opposite the Community Centre) in Aldridge. A friendly and informal group of all ages who share their skills and interests in working with any type of fibre including wool, silk, cotton, dog hair, cashmere, angora, linen and man made fibres.
Spinning - Fleece Sorting - Basket Making - Weaving - Dyeing - Peg Looms
Felting - Knitting - Paper Making - Crochet - Tapestry - Tatting - Rug Making
Japanese Maru Dai Braids - Inkle and Tablet Weaving....all Visitors are very welcome. see more information on Walsall Handspinners website
Friday, Arts and Crafts classes for 1 - 11 year olds at 10:30am, St John�s Hall, Shenstone, For details call Sue on 0844 854 9089
Creative arts and craft sessions for preschool children, birthday parties and events for children 1-11yrs old.
The Creation Station for fun and Inspiring arts and crafts classes for 1 - 11 year olds throughout the year. Also, the ultimate arts and crafts birthday parties. Contact Sue on 0844 854 9089 or visit The Creation Station
Friday evenings, Walsall Company Of Archers, meet at Aldridge School, Gaydon Road Entrance, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 0SX. Archery Club for the sport that is suitable for people of all abilities with full details on Walsall Company Of Archers website Tel 01922 442105 Mark Vitta
Saturday ( schhool term time only ) ZUMBA fitness class with Dawn Findlay 10am-11am in Aldridge
Aldridge School, Tynings Lane, Aldridge, WS9 0BG
(Alternating Saturday class each week with fellow instructor Sally Turner) Come and party yourself into shape, with this fun exercise class based around latin and world rhythms...Zumba is for everyone, no matter your age, shape or size.
see full details on Dawn Findlays Zumba website
Saturday ( 0nce per month, check exact day with library ), Chatterbooks Reading Group age 7- 11. Love reading and chatting about books? Then come and join our Chatterbooks club at Aldridge Library, 10.30am - 11.30am. Tel: 01922 655569
Saturdays, Jo Leigh School of Dance in Aldridge, Boys Hip Hop, Girls Hip Hop, Cheerdance age 5 - 10, Disco Classes for all ages, Rock and Roll, Slowdance and Latin.
Call Jo on 07968 147103 for more details
Saturdays at 9.45am Fat Burner Boot Camp is held at Oak Park, Lichfield Road, Walsall Wood, Walsall ,WS9 9PQ The camp aims to boost your energy, kick start weight loss and leave you feeling fitter and healthier in just 21 days or less! Paul will educate, guide and motivate you to achieve weight loss success, supporting you throughout your personal training with a friendly approach.
To drop a dress size in just one month or your money back contact Paul Wilson at Fat Burner Boot Camp on 07891 931 245
Saturday Card making workshop is hosted by "Gifts From The Heart" near Barr Beacon Stockists of a huge range of card making, crafts and scrap booking supplies including products from Woodware, Hero Art Stamps, Flowersoft and Hot Off The Press.
please call Mandy on 0121 360 4144 for more details.Gifts from the heart website
1st Saturday each month Charity Coffee Morning at Aldridge Methodist Church
Anchor Road, Aldridge, West Midlands, WS9 8PT
Sunday, Kind Fitness Boot Camp with Ian Dempsey at Moore Than Nails, on the High Street, Aldridge.